The Energy of the Future

  • Terminals

Terminal Trasvase Nuevo Laredo

As of 2019, we started with the construction for the service of transfer and storage of fuel logistics to the Mexican territory.

This Terminal is for the P.M.I service. (Pemex International), which imports fuels into Mexico.

Our Terminal receives product through Unitary Trains, loaded with Diesel and Gasoline.
Our Terminal consists of 5 spurs, which accommodate the wagons through our TrackMobile, which guides them to the unloading skates, where the product of Railroad Cars is transferred to PEMEX pipes.

The terminal consists of two discharge lines, 1 of Diesel and 1 of Gasoline.

With our terminal, we support the supply of fuel to all gas and diesel service stations in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, in addition to the surrounding cities, reaching the states of Nuevo Le¨Žn, Tamaulipas and Coahuila.